Ten Years On

Middenmeer – [lots in between] – Migennes It’s now about ten years since we started this alternative lifestyle. However, it’s a challenge to work out when to have the celebration – and we must have a celebration! We can dig up plenty of statistics but…

2024 Plan A, Plan B, Plan C …

Melbourne Well, we’re off tomorrow. We just managed to finish last season’s blogs but this will go out with our strongest intent yet of keeping a regular update going this year. What we intend to do is focus on shorter posts, with less detail as…

Where have we been? 1/9/20 – 21/4/22

Sunbury – Sunbury – Moama – Sunbury – Hobart – Sunbury What happened? Our last post on this blog was on 31st of August 2020. Deathly silence since then. Why? Well, as you’re aware, we are always well behind in our postings, having way too much…