Bergues and Dunquerke: 11/9 – 17/9

(Bergues and Dunkirk) Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis Our main reason for visiting Bergues developed from watching the French movie ‘Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis’ (‘Welcome to the sticks’). It is the highest grossing French movie and gets 75% on Rotten Tomatoes. We first saw the film…

Plan D: 6/9 – 10/9

La Bassée – (Lille) – Bethune – Watten – Bergues Lille Next morning, we started by sending off some emails (a chore because the internet connectivity was rubbish) and making some exploratory phone calls to try and find a wintering spot. Once that train was…

In the wars: 2/9 – 5/9

Éclusier-Vaux – Péronne – Marquion – La Bassée Our friends Michel and Rebecca had recommended that if we wanted to see an excellent museum dedicated to WWI, then one not to miss was in Péronne. As it was only a short trip south out of…