Into the Unknown (12/06 – 16/06)

Moret-sur-Loing – Nemours – Néronville – Montargis Guests arrive Simon and Catherine have been on Catharina Elisabeth previously – in 2019 they joined us for several days cruising on the Canal du Nivernais. Now they are travelling around Europe having walked in Portugal, attended a…

Cruising again (01/06 – 11/06)

Migennes – Joigny – Sens – Montereau-faut-Yonne – Moret-sur-Loing – (Versailles – Paris) Farewell Migennes The morning was somewhat overcast, but we cared not one whit for that. It was time to go. I waved a fond farewell to dear Simon who had come to…

Let’s get started (20/05 – 31/05)

Melbourne – Singapore – Migennes The flight with Singapore Airlines was good although a problem in Singapore resulted in an hour in an unairconditioned plane and then a transfer to a new one. This generated a four-hour delay and instead of arriving on Catharina Elisabeth…

2024 Plan A, Plan B, Plan C …

Melbourne Well, we’re off tomorrow. We just managed to finish last season’s blogs but this will go out with our strongest intent yet of keeping a regular update going this year. What we intend to do is focus on shorter posts, with less detail as…