Cruising to the end at Groningen

Giethoorn to Groningen The map shows this stage, and indeed, the entire cruising track for this short season. To Assen After a very pleasant, if short stay at Giethoorn, it was now time to head directly for Groningen and our winter mooring. Planning indicated we…

Elburg – and the Sailing Ships

We never know what we will find at each new place. We have some books and maps. We use the Dutch Barge Association’s website to check postings made by other travellers regarding moorings and facilities. We use Google Earth. But until we arrive, we don’t…

Welcome to the Netherlands!

This post takes us from Amersfoort to Geithoorn (9/9 – 15/9/2014) Amersfoort to Elburg Other than gaining experience, and heading towards our eventual destination of Groningen, this phase of cruising was intended to deliver us at a chandlery where we could buy a couple of…

Tourism (and less scary stuff)

Edam and Volendam We could see from the map that the town of Edam was not far from Purmerend, and with fine weather continuing, decided we could treat ourselves to a day off. Navigating by water was not possible for Neo Vita, so we took…