Once more unto the breach: 1/08 – 5/08

Châtillon-en-Bazois – Baye – Sardy-lès-Épiry – Chitry-les-Mines So having decided that the chances of further grounding and the incipient closure or lowering levels in the canals to the south would make cruising onwards from Châtillon-en-Bazois impracticable, we activated our new plan (version ZZ) and turned…

Where have we been? 1/9/20 – 21/4/22

Sunbury – Sunbury – Moama – Sunbury – Hobart – Sunbury What happened? Our last post on this blog was on 31st of August 2020. Deathly silence since then. Why? Well, as you’re aware, we are always well behind in our postings, having way too much…

The Final Cruise: 27/09 – 4/10

Sens – Villeneuve-sur-Yonne – Cezy – Joigny Villeneuve-sur-Yonne We still had a few days before we wanted to be in our winter port of Migennes so we decided to take relatively short cruises for the next few days. In lovely, still weather we first meandered…