Cheese and Catharina

If the Dutch are about anything, they are about cheese. Lisette claims that “Kaas”, the Dutch word for cheese, is the first Dutch word that she learned. Certainly, it is central to Dutch life. Some of the oldest evidence of cheese-making is found in Holland, and Julius Caesar…

The Best $50 we ever spent

TANSTAAFL When we first noticed/became entranced with ‘Neo Vita’, we hit upon the idea of asking Michel and Rebecca, the owners of ‘t Majeur who had so kindly hosted us for a week of cruising during the year, to take a trip in the middle…

Plans in Jelly

Cruising in 2015 Planning for cruising in a barge can be essential – but should be worthless. As a fellow bargee recently quipped “just keep your plans set in jelly and you’ll be fine”. It’s often necessary to have some idea of where you are going,…